Oversize Mugs. So instead of having to go back and pour another cup of coffee/peppermint tea, you can just make one massive one and sip for the next wee while. . . . bliss.

Room Scent Thingys. Bought one from The Body Shop a month and a bit ago, was in one of those 'buy the first thing you see' moods. Wanted candles but am too irresponsible and would have burned the house down. Now every time I walk into my room, it smells of vanilla and raspberry. So, so good, and makes me want to spend time in my room.

Odd jewellery. Like the La Dama rosaries Lizzie bought us, and the fact that we spent half an hour at starbucks yesterday folding gold foil into makeshift jewellery. Makes me want to be a jewellery designer haha. Also finally wearing the zip necklace that my Auntie bought me for my birthday, and getting so many positive comments! I think people are drawn to the unusual. . . you just need to make sure its unusual in a good way.

Fake Tan. I'm the opposite of Lizzie (who is beautiful and pale and stunning), and without a tan I resemble a white whale. Or a sick person. And given that there is zero sun right now (and I've finally been talked out of sunbedding by all the cancer phobes), LeTan is my new best friend (and even has my dance teacher asking if I've been on holiday!).

Pastel Accessories. Living in Auckland, where Black is always the new Black, pastels have become my secret love. I broke out the beige heels on saturday night, and snapped up a pair of pastel pink sneakers from the warehouse in Matamata (how classy am I?!). I think I'll end up being the girl in the middle of London, streets full of people wearing big black coats, wearing a floaty dress, pastel cardigan, and freezing to death. Here's hoping.
Amy xx