Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Days

Saturday, August 21, 2010
So so true. especially when it comes to writing in my diary/journalling/collaging in my visual diary/blogging! I always mean to, and it falls by the way side.
This, coupled with my (and lizzie's) obsession with new stationary, means that I am contemplating purchasing two of these beautiful journals from http://www.simplediary.com/.

Amy xx
Thursday, August 19, 2010
"There are beautiful artistic movies that make us want more out of life. (For me, it's Vicky Cristina Barcelona, the Notebook. Dear John, Moulin Rouge, etc etc) Movies filled with such passion and intensity, that we get totally absorbed, and then tumble dizzily back into reality, wondering why the two dont match up. I love it. Love love love it. I'm addicted to the 'dream'."

"The continent of Europe is so wide, mein herr. Not only up and down, but side to side, mein herr. I couldn't ever cross it if I tried, mein herr. So I do . . . what I can . . . inch by inch . . . step by step . . . mile by mile . . . . Man by Man." - Liza Minelli.

"You can wish to be older, you can wish to be younger. You can dream and reminisce, and that's all fine and well, but you're here, now. Own that, before you take on the space/time continuum."

"Love is about danger, always. Love jumps off cliffs, love is irrational. It keeps you alive and it destroys you. The search for love provides nourishment for your soul. I'm afraid that as soon as you really find love, there won't be anything left to write songs about." - Lady Gaga.

"People call me an i-love-you whore, but the truth is, I love love. I love love too much to keep it to myself. So I tell everyone I love them, because love is too good not to share. love more. love harder. love love. Because if you don't have love, you don't have anything at all."
Have a fantastical day! Amy xx
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pretty Things

Hi there, sorry this is a bit of a mess but I have discovered a bunch of appeeeeeealing things this week that I wanted to share. First off, I went down to Wellington for the weekend (I had THE best night out I've ever had on Saturday... plus there are pretty much no door charges down there, take note Auckland!) So here goes:
1 + 2. One of my friends bought this amazing kind of pale turquoisey nail polish - not sure what brand it is, but my fingers are telling me it's a brighter, greener version of Chanel Nouvelle Vague from their summer collection Les Pop-Up de Chanel (a slightly less expensive option would be Orly Gumdrop) Every time I look at my hands I feel like summer! (P.S. turquoise was announced as the colour of 2010 by Pantone so we must be onto something). Those other two shades pictured, Mistral and Riviera, have a similar effect on me. Is it sad that I'm already counting the days til Summer?
3 + 4. These super cool knitted rosary beads from La Dama - seen worn by Rumi (ooh la la), but seriously, very cute. But wait there's more, you can get them for free if you order something else from the La Dama site. Sweet deal!
5. I LOVE THIS RING. It's the 14pt Stag Ring from the ever-amazing Digby and Iona. Pretty impractical compared to the other things I need... (A pair of socks) but so beautiful.
6. Awkward Moment Cards from Design Glut - very cool site. These are perfect for the times when you manage to break every single piece of your family friend's great grandmother's dinner set, or hook up with your friend's boyfriend when you didn't actually know it was their boyfriend (not from personal experience, but I'm sure these things happen all the time).
7. Pretty Little Liars. Apart from my trip to Welly, this has been the highlight of my week. Based on the books by Sara Shepherd, it's got good-looking people, scandal, murder, lies and love stories - what more could you want in a show? My friend Sophia recommended it - I've watched up to episode ten online and now just waiting for the next addition to the series. Can't say it bears much resemblance to my junior year in high school, but I'm totally hooked, it's ridiculous.
8. Snoozer Loser New York A/W 2010-11. Just a sneak peek so far but I love all the prints and can't wait to see the rest of it!
Also, Hell's Unearthly Dessert Pizza... Why have I not had it before this weekend? We ended up eating two pizzas (dinner and dessert) between two of us on Sunday night. Omnomnom.
Until... the next time I post
Lizzie xx
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Oh God, The Glitter.
"There's a place I know, if you're looking for a show, where they go hard core, and there's GLITTER on the floor." - Ke$ha.
I swear, it's an addiction. Glitter, Sequins, Sparkles, I'm sold. That's what 12 years of dance concerts will do to a girl. My friends often wave their hands in despair at the things I purchase - like a pair of studded tights from supre, which I live in. Sparkles are like diamonds - not really neccessery, but they make life a whole lot more fun!
"Glitter is the Herpes of the art supplies closet." - being art students, Lizzie and I will testify this. God forbid one of us chooses to use glitter, because the rest of the art room are flicking it out of their paintings, pencil cases, hair, clothes and brushes for the next few weeks. Its infectious. And secretly (or not so secretly in my case), we love it.
Hope the rest of your weekend is full of all things sparkly.
Amy xx
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lady Love
She previously admitted the sexy scenes were a challenge considering she's engaged to British funnyman Russell Brand... "I had to make out with a boy which was very traumatizing," she said. "I was kind of mean to him. I would be the one to call cut because I was like, 'Oh I cant do this!' I feel so horrible. But I know it's a job. We understand what our work is." (American Superstar)Also, runner up for girl crush goes to the always lovely Kaya Scodelario (I have a feeling that Amy agrees on this).
Lizzie xx

Love this picture, in the spirit of Amy and Lizzie's junk food mini-binge today, and then the browsing of workshop clothing much better suited to the walking coathangers of the catwalks. Thankyou Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang, for making wonderful clothes and reminding us that we need to go back to the gym. Except that Lizzie's never been to the gym.
P.S. we are being very loud in the Epsom library. Cue to go.
Lizzie and Amy xx
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Faceless Photos

Dressing Up

Waiting On The World To Change

Monday, August 9, 2010
Long Time No See?

Thursday, August 5, 2010
As far as I can tell, she had a good day, with much eating out, and a few really good sounding cocktails (very classy), finished off of course with a very trashy trip to maccas and home again.
This officially marks everyone in our year being big kids (Lizzie is the youngest) and also that I am back to being only one year older than you speedy, and not two (which makes me feel very very old).
So i hope that all your birthday wishes and dreams come true, and at some point you need to teach me how to put up pictures!!!! I have about a bajillion post ideas in my head - everything from books to flowers to pajamas and tv shows and of course lots of clothes!!
All in good time i hope. Like, as in, soon.
much love and many birthday wishes! Amy xx
PS Also a very happy birthday to AnnaKateFreck who is exactly one year older than Lizzie! Hope you had a wonderful birthday =)