Refined Rant: 24-year-old Gillian Zinser from 90210, wearing strange and amazing things and looking beautiful, and making me love her hair. Although I'm not a fan of girls in hats, she makes it look cool somehow. She's also been seen hanging out with Shia LaBeouf, which makes me even more envious. I love her dress at the Teen Vogue party.
And yes, I know you will all think I'm a freak for liking what she wears.
Lizzie xx
Lizzie's actual thoughts on this beautiful girl (much better account of her in my opinion): Screw you, Katy. You're too hot and cold for me. The real lady love of my life is Gillian Amalia Zinser. The real actual love of my life is Matt Lanter, but enough about that. Now is probably the time for me to confess that I have a huge 90210 addiction. It's bad. But it's so good. Anyway. Her character Ivy Sullivan is just amazing; one of the boys, surfer girl, (amazing hair), can pull off overalls and a yellow tshirt amazingly, has a tomboyish (and beautiful!) exterior, but is really just a girl with the same problems we all have. I just want her hair so much and I know it's not going to happen with my brunette-ness. But who knows, one day I might just walk past you on the street all surfily highlightily balayagey blonde. I wish. Anyway she is amazing.