Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Bit of image research led me away from our usual fashion orientation and into pottermania. Being generation potter, I felt a post of all my favorite discoveries would be appropriate. To save face, I dedicate this post to one of the biggest potter-lovers I know, Alice Varcoe.

Love Amy and Lizzie xx

Monday, July 25, 2011

Attention to detail.

STREETFSN is a good source of cute street style photos, and I especially love the attention to detail.

That's all, hope your weeks are going well and you're surviving this freezing weather!!

Chateau Marmont

American Vogue, May 2011.

Natalia Vodianova, Hailee Steinfeld, Elle Fanning and Chloe Moretz? That's one pajama party I would love an invite to (and my little sister would aswell).

Amy. xx

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Dear lovely readers,

As we are thrown back into our uni schedules and the holidays (or WORKING holidays) are behind us, Lizzie and I want to know what posts you have really enjoyed and what we can do more of? We're hoping to increase the frequency of our posting and although we are happy just to rant and rave about things we love and hate and find interesting, we would love to know what you actually like seeing/reading and what you look at and go 'oh gosh amy and lizzie stop going on about that.'

Please please comment (or facebook us!) it would make our days =)

Love xx

Friday, July 22, 2011

If I had to wear kitten heels, they would be Valentino.

. . . Except that I just found the actual heel version, which of course I love more, being five foot three and a bit.

Also I love love the superette studded chucks, but i feel like such a sellout buying them at over triple the price of normal chucks! however, dont think DIY would be as cool in this instance. . . . and my research proves me right. I like the idea of studded shoes, like I like ripped jeans and holes in tights. . . awesome in theory but potentially horrific in practice.

Lizzie once (triumphantly) handed me a pair of studded tights from none other than supre, declaring "These are hideous! They're so you!". Not sure what to make of that (and potentially offended) I tried them on, fell in love and bought them. She laughed at me every day I wore them, which was actually quite a lot.

Haven't had the balls to bring them out lately. . . maybe now that I'm in my twenties I should be too mature for frivolous and borderline-appropriate things like studded leggings. We shall see. . .

Love xx

PS my humble apologies for the lack of posting lately - both Lizzie and I were on Uni holidays, but we're back into the swing of things now (hopefully).

*If I had to wear kitten heels, I'd kill myself. - Lizzie
(Same goes for studded leggings)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Christine Centenera

Fashion Editor of Harpers Bazaar Australia, whose style I ADORE. Want to dress like her when I grow up. Suppose free clothes would make it a bit easier. . . but I like that she straddles the line between wearable and outrageous. Talking to Lizzie the other night about how I'm not a fan of people like Anna Della Russo because she's too outrageous. Also love Emmanuelle Alt (new Editor in Chief of Paris Vogue), who is known to wear really affordable stuff, from UK chain stores!

Hope you all have a beaut weekend

Amy xx