There's something about the extremely saturated color, and the highly sexualized nature of these images that I love. Not that I'm obsessed with sexing everything up, but I just really like the 'out there' nature of the photos, and the way they're set up. Its like extreme extravagance meets color explosion. The summer ones have been around for ages now, but looking at the winter ones for next year, the style is staying the same. I love it, it's a refreshing change from the colorless boring nature of some ads.
On a bit of an advertising buzz at the moment actually, choosing my majors for next year and advertising is a big contender. Makes me very aware of the percentage of fashion magazines that are ads - they're almost becoming a showcase, editorials in themselves. My media lecturers would love this - is the fashion industry blurring the lines between editorial and advertorial?
Gucci SS 11
FW 11-12
Loving the F/W shots with the projector!