1. Forfex OC Exclusive Dalmatian Sneaker, US$225. Made in Vietnam.
2. Opening Ceremony Seamed Trousers in red, US$330. Leopards! Silk cotton twill, made in USA.
3. American Apparel Illustrated Chiffon Oversized Button-Up, US$93. Illustrations by Morris Charney (Dov's Dad) from the late 1960's. Polyester. I also want a gold hair cone but there's a 90% chance it wouldn't look as cool as I imagine.
Dark dark chocolate, and Masala Dosa - they're like Indian rice pancakes with spicy potato inside and lots of sauces, so so delicious. We got some on a rainy Sunday at the Aotea Markets. India in yo mouth. And it's feijoa season!
Raspberry leaf tea - it's good if you're pregnant, but also good if you're not. Homemade chai from Lucy Knisley's amazing recipe! I've posted the recipe before but I love it. I've been using it for a few years and it makes enough for ages. Plus stirring over warm spiciness for 40 minutes is incredibly therapeutic. And how cool is this collaboration between Coca Cola and Comme des Garcons by design student Ashley Shen?
I'm going to find somewhere to finally wear these 1970's studded wood platforms this month. They're so heavy! Might have to team them with a big American Apparel sock order since it's getting colder. I also bought a cheap but great pair of Soda canvas leopard print boat shoes which I've thrashed for the last couple of months.Wearing:
Listening to:
Nouvelle Vague, Al Green, Digable Planets, Zola Jesus. I went to Fleet Foxes a couple of months back, it was so good I almost wanted to find myself an alty bearded man in a plaid shirt (I didn't). Here's a classic I like to listen to before going out, cause it makes you feel hotter than you look. Or like Demi Moore in Charlie's Angels. Probably both, her plastic surgery was great.
Looking forward to:
Trips away! As always. Booking Sydney, Dunedin and Wellington flights as soon as possible. One of my best friends moved to Australia to become a doctor this year and I miss her a heap. We chat a lot though, she's the funniest. Also she told me she likes my blogging so bonus points for that.
I just finished Russell Brand's Booky Wook II, which was entirely scandalous. I also read a really interesting book by David Eagleman called Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain over summer. And of course I read The Hunger Games. Haven't seen the movie yet though! Now I'm partway through Lady Oracle.
I've recently done an Amy and had an Audrey Hepburn marathon. I also had an Inbetweeners marathon with Dad, which involved slightly more swearing.

Argan Oil/Moroccan Oil. You probably all have it or have heard of it but for the last week I've been using it and my hair has been AMAZING. It's actually a miracle product. I can't say enough. The transformation goes something like this:
Gift Ideas:
Obviously I've been spending too much time on the Opening Ceremony site but I really want to give someone these socks, silly gift but the packaging is so exciting!

Swanson Vineyard Modern House Wines US$25

Deer Dana Tees, US$60 - Kim Kardashian, Frida Kahlo, Prince Harry, Freddie Mercury, Patti Smith, Barack Obama. I'm just saaahooo alternative. Sorry about the zooms, I'm lazy.

I'm working on an amazing dress at the moment which, incredibly, I will actually finish and will actually reveal for you to see because it's going to be that good. I'm also planning for a big blackboard, painting and some more (desperately needed!) storage in my room. Might do some screen printing too if the world is lucky. If you don't already follow me on Pinterest, these projects look like fun:
Quote of the month:
"A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person." - Dave Barry
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